Home / 2012 / October

Month: October 2012

Two approaches to profit for the small shop

Do not be afraid to charge what’s fair. Deserve to make money on jobs. Pride yourself for being a shop and not a factory if that’s what you are. Just because you love what you do doesn’t mean you don’t also deserve to earn a fair profit doing it! Sometimes not making a profit is your own undoing. Ye olde business, at least the way it's currently functioning, may be what’s robbing you of a f...
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3 Trends support funding email marketing

Plus 8 strategic advantages  Business-to-business marketers continue to shift resources from traditional sales and marketing tactics to online. With websites improving (and social media still out with jury) industry loves the ROI of email marketing. It’s a cost-effective way to stay in touch with customers and cultivate new leads. Here are three factors that are trending, and later I describe eigh...
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